The Latest Trend In Getting Started.
posted:3 years agobyAwatef Hamdiin Getting Started
Bulgaria is one the European Union members, as it will soon join the European Schengen area. It is worth noting that this country provides employed people and workers the right to free health care, as well as low taxes and quick access to the European Union market. Another amazing fact about this country; it does not require giving up the original passport, or speaking its local language. For people, who are interested in starting their professional life there, here are the amazing tips to follow to get started in Bulgaria.
Work In Bulgaria:
Bulgaria is a European country with various cultures and amazing mountains. As Working in Bulgaria qualifies for obtaining a residence permit in the country, the process of becoming Bulgarian citizens is faster compared to other European countries. Many people from different countries are thinking of traveling to one of the European Union countries, among them Bulgaria to improve their living conditions. In addition to obtaining a job, Bulgaria is known for having security and stability. That's why traveling to this country in order to obtain a work contract is one of the best options. Many young people seek to obtain a better standard of living and improve their income as well as achieving the goal of working within the state. For more Bulgarian-related professional updates, sign up to Fratres. This website will reveal the winning aces to people, including all the possibilities, to get hired fast. To start your career in Bulgaria, you should understand the requirements and the application procedures, including the current in-demand jobs.
Foreigners in Bulgaria:
Foreigners in Bulgaria can only work in three cases:
1. They are expatriates: that is, they are officially invited and employed by the company.
2. They run their own business.
3. You are so unique that the employer will obtain a work permit for you, proving that there is no such thing in the whole of Bulgaria.
You need to understand what I mean by foreigners: all Russian-speaking Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, etc. throughout the orbit of the former Soviet Union.
Take a look at; Living In Bulgaria As An Expat: What You Need To Know
This is the case if the foreigner has a residence permit. The ID card holding the residence permit does not give the right to work! It gives the right to live only in Bulgaria. Many employers are not aware of this.
Age, marital status and the number of children: These details are also required for some jobs: employers are not curious about your personal life. They just want to know the level of responsibility and commitment you have to see if you are totally available for their requirements. More precisely, you can be legally appointed. The fact that you can work in your company even in the case of a residence permit, what applies to local citizens applies to you.
Procedures to work in Bulgaria
The work procedures depend on the professional field. As an immigrant, you should go through these steps:
-You should fill out an immigration application to the country in order to obtain a work contract. The process takes place at the Bulgarian consulate or in one of the websites for immigration applications
-It is necessary to provide proof of the purpose of work within the country
-Provide all academic certificates as well as certificates of experience and qualifications in the field of work
-Availability of important regular papers such as a passport
-A personal photo similar to the photo in the passport
-The necessity of submitting a marriage contract
-A CV and a Cover letter
Requirements to work in Bulgaria
Many intermediate offices responsible for facilitating recruitment in Bulgaria, includes the following conditions:
Submit a medical certificate confirming that the person is free of infectious diseases.
Include the result of a PCR test or a vicinal pass
Submit a birth certificate
Submit a bank statement for the last six months, withdrawal and deposit
Bulgarian law provides for the right of a legal resident within the country to work in accordance with the conditions for citizens of the country. The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy issues temporary work permits for those wishing to work within the country. The Bulgarian state grants the permit for a period of three years, subject to renewal.
Types of the in-demand Jobs in Bulgaria:
Part of the project that is being realized to offer quality and sustainable job opportunities is to improve the attractiveness of professions in the labor market in the main sectors of the development of the Bulgarian economy. During the post-pandemic period, doctors are the most sought-after professions in Bulgaria. They are ranking on the top of in-demand professions. Other occupations are from the sectors of mechanical industry, electrical and informatics, transportation, health and beauty services. In the mechanical sector the most attractive profession is a mechanical engineer. In electronics, it is the electrical engineer, followed by electronic technicians and electrical operators. However, nursing came in average ratings and with the lowest rating in the branch is the profession of medical assistance and laboratory technicians. The least desirable profession is in-home services and driving jobs
What to consider when starting your career in Bulgaria?
Starting a career in Bulgaria can be a challenging task. Employment can be either in the private or in the public sector. It is more abundant in the private sector. As an applicant, you need to prepare the following:
-Create a career plan: create an empirical model for solving one of the main problems in the labor market, which is the shortage of skilled labor in the main areas of the Bulgarian economy.
-Know where and when to apply: in employment, applicants are mainly targeting the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the Ministry of Education (for teaching jobs), who can interfere in your employment contract and determine your stay in the country.
-Know the main employment culture and rules: conduct research on of Bulgarian labor laws to understand the procedures included either as a contractor or as a self-employed investor.
-Contact offices related to employment or recruitment firms: Bulgaria is still following the classic recruitment procedure. It resorts to career advisors and recruitment agents from the Employment Agencies to select a specific number of job seekers
These were the secrets of getting started in Bulgaria. Despite the advanced systems and tools to make a career choice, employment agencies in Bulgaria are determining the target applicants and the sectors that suffer from employment shortage.