The Best Resume Layout for South Korean Job
posted:3 years agobyMarry JoJoin CVs
Are you going to Create a resume for a South Korean Job? If yes, then it’s time to explore some Korean CV exact layout and other guidelines.
The Best Layout for Your Korean Curriculum Vitae:
Here is what you need to follow for creating South Korean Resume
First Page:
This page contains your personal information as well as information about your educational background. Identify yourself by filling out the personal information box with your name, marital status, and gender, as well as any interests you may have. Even while this may seem like an odd item to add on a resume, Koreans feel that your interests reveal a great lot about you, so you may utilize this to your advantage in your application. Just be careful not to be too honest here if you like a little bit different from the norm!
It is the most significant section of your resume, since it contains all of the information about your school history. You must mention all of the schools you have attended since high school, as well as your grade point average for each grade. Following that, there will be room for you to fill in the blanks with your professional experience and language abilities.
Last but not least, don't forget to add a photograph!
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Second page:
We're well aware that we're well aware. A two-page résumé — what a nightmare! Unlike you, I was taught that everything worth saying can be expressed in a single page, and I'm sure you were taught the same thing. In any case, the second page will be far shorter than the first, but the fields will be no less vital than the first.
You will be required to discuss your IT abilities as well as your previous accomplishments on this page. The absence of a reference section on the resume will draw the attention of the most astute analysts. This is done on purpose since the human resources departments in Korea will aggressively seek out your prior employers in order to gather more information about you and your qualifications. As a result, you will not be required to provide references.
Korean resumes also do not include a references section, which is included on almost all English resumes. For the most part, a Korean resume is significantly shorter and less complicated than an English resume.
Include the following items in your Korean resume:
Here are the most important pieces of information that you must include in your resume!
Smile! Make sure to add a current picture of yourself in your Korean curriculum vitae.
Even while this behavior may appear weird in other nations, it is really rather widespread in the Republic of Korea. Dressing properly and smiling as much as possible while taking your photograph can help you impress your prospective employers. Perhaps it would be beneficial to seek the assistance of a professional photographer who can assist you with this since they will know how to bring out the best in you.
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Korean Name
Because the Korean language does not employ the Latin alphabet, this is a difficult question to answer. As a consequence, you'll have to transliterate your name into Hangeul, which is the Korean script, to avoid confusion.
There are a slew of transliteration regulations to remember to follow while you're doing it, so it would be a good idea to enlist the assistance of your Korean friends or to use an online Korean name generator for assistance.
Mobile Number
This piece of information is essential for every job applicant who wants to stand out from the crowd. Employers will most likely contact you through your cell phone number, so be sure you don't provide the incorrect number on your application.
Know All about : What is Job Reference?
Experience in the Workplace
This is the section where you will list all of your previous jobs and projects that you have completed. You will not have much room on a Korean resume to go into depth about each employment, so try to keep your resume as succinct and simple as possible. During the interview, you will have plenty of opportunities to provide a brief presentation about yourself.
The references section is absent from the majority of Korean resumes, mostly because Korean companies will contact your past employers and do a background check on you on their own initiative.
Achievements / Participation in Extracurricular Activities
If you have had the opportunity to volunteer or participate in side projects, here is the area where you will provide details about your experiences.
You should, however, limit your accomplishments to those that are important in order to prevent clutter.
Bottom Line
Working in Korea will not be easy, but it will be well worth your while if you put out the necessary work.Korean firms place a great priority on their workers, which means that once you join the company, your employment will be more or less guaranteed!